Monday, September 24, 2012

TV Couples that should have lasted forever

Yesterday brought us a rumor (via The New York Post) that Beverly Hills 90210​'s Kelly and Dylan, or Jennie Garth and Luke Perry, might actually be an item IRL. They hung out on the shoot of that Old Navy commercial you've probably seen, and, you know, sparks flew! Sparks are always flying when those two are around each other! It's a veritable firestorm of sparks. Probably, of course, they're not an item—all we have to go on is the denial of Kelly's Garth's rep, as well as a picture of the beautiful twosome together at last—but still. We can dream. While we're dreaming, we're going to dream big. Here are the other TV couples we want to see to forever and ever, onscreen or off.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do? 

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