Monday, September 24, 2012

Top 10 TV Kisses that were worth the wait

10 tv kisses that were worth the wait

Will they or won’t they relationships are a television staple. For many fans, waiting for their favorite couple to get to the “will” stage is the highlight of the show. Usually it takes multiple seasons worth of long looks, miscommunication and crazy obstacles before the duo will make their feelings known, but when they finally do, viewers are rewarded for their patience with a long-awaited kiss. There is a lot of pressure put on that lip-lock to be a success. If it’s subpar it can sink a ship faster than an iceberg, but if it’s actually worth the wait it can be among the most memorable moments in a show’s run. Of course, not all long-awaited kisses are between couples suffering from UST (unresolved sexual tension). Sometimes our favorite shows find ways for established couples to have epic kisses as well.

In that spirit, I’ve come up with a list of 10 TV kisses that were well worth wait.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do? 

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