Monday, September 10, 2012

David Slade tapped in 'Matched' adaptation

David Slade is attached to directed Matched over at Disney

David Slade is now tapped to direct an adaptation of Ally Condie‘s young adult novel Matched over at Disney. Slade was attached to direct the new Daredevil reboot at one point in time, but had to leave because he was committed to directing the pilot for NBC’s Hannibal. Now that he has completed his work on the pilot, the director is moving forward with this project, which is an interesting one for both Disney and Slade.

Love is the central focus of Condie’s novel, where a young girl named Cassia lives in world where The Society makes every decision for you. She believes in this system, even believes the people she must love and mate with. That is, until she sees visions of a boy named Ky. She tells The Society about these visions, and they tell her it’s nothing but a glitch. She refuses to accept that kind of answer. Now her whole world is turned upside down and she doesn’t know what to believe.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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