Friday, August 31, 2012

'Love and Honor' Trailer

Liam Hemsworth in Love and Honor trailer

Danny Mooney, actor turned director, has a new film coming out called LOVE AND HONOR and today we’re getting to see a trailer. Liam Hemsworth stars as Mickey Wright, a young soldier who is talked into going back home with his fellow soldier and BFF Peter (played by Chris Lowell) so Peter can convince his girlfriend Jane (Aimee Teegarden) to take him back. While back in the States, Mickey meets Candace (Teresa Palmer) whom he too falls in love with, the only problem is these guys have gone AWOL for love which obviously won’t end well for either of them. LOVE AND HONOR seems like a Nicholas Sparks type of film that doesn’t interest this writer in the least, but since Liam Hemsworth is attached I’m sure it will at least break even at the box office.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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