Thursday, August 23, 2012

Alexis Bledel up for Anastasia Steele casting in 'Fifty Shades' film

Alexis Bledel

While many actors and actresses have been rumored and supported by fans and social media sites alike to be possible contenders for the hotly awaited roles of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele in the “Fifty Shades of Grey” movie, it’s a nice surprise to actually have one of these popular stars respond to the fun casting phenomenon.

In latest “Fifty Shades of Grey” film news, according to “Books and Review” this Friday afternoon, Alexis Bledel of “Gilmore Girls” gave a thank you and shout out to her fans on both Facebook and Twitter for supporting her in the role of the innocent, beautiful, blue-eyed Ana.

“Wow, I see lots of you want me to play [the part of] Ana in ‘50 Shades of Grey’ ... : )” wrote the star on her Twitter page recently this week.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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