Monday, August 27, 2012

Adam Driver joins the cast of 'The F-Word'

Adam Driver

Up-and-coming actor Adam Driver, who plays Lena Dunham's love interest on HBO's "Girls," has just signed on to play Daniel Radcliffe's best friend in Michael Dowse's romantic comedy "The F Word."

Canadian shingle No Trace Camping is producing the indie pic penned by "The Samaritan" scribe Elan Mastai, whose script appeared on the 2008 Black List.

Radcliffe and Zoe Kazan star as a pair of twentysomethings who meet at a party and hit it off despite the fact that she has a long-term boyfriend. With the best intentions and a little denial, they decide to confront the challenge of being just friends.

Driver is set to play Radcliffe's brash, ethically dubious confidant, who helps him navigate his romantic dilemma.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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