Friday, January 18, 2013

Why Do We Fall in Love With Romantic Comedies?

Why do we love romantic comedies?
Populaire, a fifties-set French romantic comedy which opens the 2013 Glasgow Film Festival

Did you and your partner meet a) at a friend’s dinner party, b) smoking outside a pub or c) when the heartless multinational company they work for bulldozed your cosy little wedding dress shop to make way for a heartless multinational office block?

The last time the two of you had a fight, did you a) act pissy for a few days and then make up, b) peek at their Facebook messages while they were in the loo, thus storing up resentments that can now never be aired, or c) make a mad dash to the airport just in time to catch them before they gave up on you forever and moved to South America?

Do you have a best friend who is a) a bit like you, really, b) not like you at all but you’ve known each other since school and it’s just sort of stuck, or c) an outrageous, loudmouthed eccentric with a mild weight problem, a hilarious line in hats, and an even more disastrous love life than your own?

If your answers to these questions are mostly ‘c’s, then congratulations: you are a character in a romantic comedy. And you don’t exist.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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