Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Q & A for "No Time for Love"

J.B. Miller is a published author of a variety of works including: fiction, non-fiction, award-winning poetry, music, and numerous articles and blogs. She is currently busy promoting her very first novel, No Time For Love.

If you had to describe No Time for Love in two sentences, what would they be?

A fun, romantic comedy that every woman can relate to. The perfect novel to read in front of a cozy fire or on a sandy beach - escape and enjoy!

Do you have a favorite line or excerpt from your current work?

I love all of the characters in the book that support the heroine. I especially love Lizard, Tricky Vicky, and the Texas Taxi Driver.

What are five important things that you take into consideration while writing your story?
I consider interesting characters, plot, putting a twist in the story, and making sure that the novel has a happy ending. I also believe in writing the entire novel from the heart and then going back and editing with my head.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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