Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Reality vs. Romantic Comedy

After we tucked our kids into bed last Sunday night, my wife and I finally found the time to watch a romantic comedy that I had recorded on our DVR sometime during the second Bush administration. I figured Bethany could use a change of pace after our TV had been tuned to football all weekend. That’s how I roll: always thinking of HER feelings.

During one of the movie’s steamier scenes, I glanced over at my beautiful bride and wiggled my eyebrows in that way that every woman on earth finds completely irresistible and of course, ultra-classy. Bethany responded with her signature eye roll that said, “Honey, I love you, but you’re no Justin Timberlake,” which caused me to question what J.T. has that I do not. Setting aside the obvious things such as money, talent, and six-pack abs, there were, I must admit, a few other subtle differences.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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