Sunday, January 6, 2013

"Beautiful Creatures" Aims for Romantic Laugh

New Character One-Sheets Show Off Lots of Beautiful Creatures
With the February 13th release of Beautiful Creatures coming soon, we chatted with cast members Alden Ehrenreich, Thomas Mann and Zoey Deutch and producer Broderick Johnson for some inside info on the film.

Speaking with our East Coast correspondent Nomad recently, Alden Ehrenreich, who plays Ethan Wate, gave us his point of view on the scope of the film. "There are a lot of different scenes in the movie," Ehrenreich said. "Scenes that are epic, scenes that are magic. The tone of the scenes that I'm in is romantic, charming, wonderful stuff. To me, parts of this movie feel like a romantic comedy because there's really these funny things, these bumblings and failings of someone trying to date someone, trying to get to know another person."

He continued describing the tone: "It's able to laugh at itself. It has wit, it has charm. It's a character-driven movie that has a sense of humor to it. When you see these movies about these crazy supernatural things and nobody goes, 'Whoa, wait a second,' and laughs at it for a second, that doesn't feel like what we would really do in real life. We have to laugh at this stuff."

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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