Wednesday, January 16, 2013

“Midsummer” Broadway Resurrects Boy-Meets-Girl Romance

Matthew Pidgeon and Cora Bissett’s weekend mischief takes them all over the (Edinburgh) map in “Midsummer (A Play With Songs).”
The new off-Broadway show “Midsummer (A Play With Songs)” proves that you can still get a lot of great mileage out of boy-meets-girl. Hollywood has cranked out so many awful romantic comedies in the past decade that it’s almost killed off the genre. This energetic Scottish import brings it back to life with humor and charm.

Written and directed by David Greig, “Midsummer” takes place in Edinburgh over the course of a weekend. That’s enough time for Helena (Cora Bissett) and Bob (Matthew Pidgeon) to get up to plenty of mischief.

She’s a lawyer with tired, sad eyes, and she’s getting fed up with being a bridesmaid. He’s nicknamed Medium Bob “on account of him having no apparent defining features” and runs illegal errands for a local tough guy.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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