Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bridget Jones, An Alternative to Jane Austen's Heroine?

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Helen Fielding recently revealed that she would be giving us a third book of Bridget Jones's adventures. There's also another movie in the works. It's unclear how old Bridget will be, or even whether admirers Mark Darcy and Daniel Cleaver will still be in her universe. But the most pressing—and so far overlooked—question is not whether or not she'll get pregnant, or marry Mark, or any of the other issues raised after Fielding's interview.

It's this: What Jane Austen book will this new story be based on, if any? Fielding is entitled to send Bridget in any direction she chooses, but it'd be a shame one of the few people capable of parodying Austen well should leave tradition behind.

Many people noticed that Bridget Jones Diary was based on Pride & Prejudice. The parallels and the in-joke of casting Colin Firth as Mark Darcy made it obvious even to casual observers. Far fewer seemed to notice how Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason followed the plotline of Austen's Persuasion—the awkward silences and misunderstandings between Bridget and Mark threatening their future in a way that mirrored the story of shy Anne Elliot and confused Frederick Wentworth. 

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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