Thursday, July 31, 2014

They Came Together Shows Off RomCom Spoof

I'm just a guy, sitting in front of a screen, asking it to make me laugh at beautiful, awkward, charming people who are falling in love. The romantic comedy can be a fine way to burn two hours, but it's a silly genre at heart, with its contrived meet-cutes and drawn-out misunderstandings, and also a tough form to master, given that so much of the modern canon asks us to want love for characters that are barely even likable.

 Think about two of the paragons of the genre: Meg Ryan in Sleepless in Seattle is an awful dingbat of a human, not to mention a deluded stalker creep. Whereas Tom Hanks in You've Got Mail is even worse, turning the tables on Meg by crushing his dream-lady's professional dreams, then manipulating her into loving him. Appropriate trailers for those films can be found here and here. It's been 25 years since Harry met Sally (Meg again!), but does anyone really think they'd still be together today?

For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?



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