Thursday, June 20, 2013

'Warm Bodies' Gave Romantic Comedy a Fresh New Look
Pauls Valley, Oklahoma — When it comes to a list of the world’s easiest jobs, I’d have to place coming up with dialogue for zombies near the top of that list. Right next to that position would probably vocal coach for the undead, but I’ll come clean and admit that just about any role no matter how limited in the flesh eating genre would be a blast to play.

Although most flicks in the category provide some level of comedy from the groaning clichés alone, this one actually went there on purpose with an angle hard to ignore and something I had no problem checking out. Done to death and beyond torturous was the sparkly vampire craze of recent years, but shown quite a bit less often is exploring romantic notions with the walking diseased that don’t end in prison sentences. “Warm Bodies” delivers well with this “fresh” entertainment and when you aren’t busy busting a gut, one might actually find something with meaning and an ending that feels quite a bit more comforting than many other tales like it.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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