Friday, June 28, 2013

The Beauty in Classic Romantic Comedy

Pride & Prejudice
The Capitol, Horsham, Wednesday, June 19

It’s hard to imagine how a team of amateur actors on a small stage could bring to life a world of extravagant social gatherings and sun-drenched estates but HAODS does it brilliantly.

Adapted by Stacey Fox and Barry Syder, Pride & Prejudice tells the classic story of the Bennet daughters and their attempts to find suitable husbands.

Dennis Manning is a success as Mr Darcy. He plays a character who’s hard to understand and, initially, even harder to like. But there are hints of emotion and even desperation behind his stern exterior, which makes the enigmatic man fascinating to watch, even if it’s hard to identify with him.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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