Friday, June 7, 2013

Romance Gets Deadly Serious

Alice Lowe is Tina, a meek young 30-something who lives at home with her overbearing mom (a scene-stealing Eileen Davies). When her boyfriend Chris (Steve Oram) invites her on a holiday to visit some fun sites in the British countryside, Tina happily agrees, much to the consternation of her mom. Chris tries to win over the cranky matriarch with some pleasant small talk, but mum offers a curt response: “I don’t like you.”

True, Tina and Chris have only been dating three months, but what could possibly go wrong when visiting such innocuous destinations as the Crick Tramway Museum and the Keswick Pencil Museum? As it turns out, plenty. A run-in with a litterbug gets Chris’ dander up, and before long he turns the trash-tossing gent into road kill.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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