Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Romantic Twist for the 'Flower Girl'

Kemi (26) works in her parent’s flower shop and she dreams of becoming one of the happy married couples she sees everyday. Her long time lawyer boyfriend Umar (28) has promised to marry her when he gets a promotion but she is growing impatient. Still living with her embarrassing parents, she spends her nights in her room, planning the wedding she hopes someday to have.

Then comes the day that she has been waiting for, Umar has got the promotion! However, when she arrives expecting a big proposal, he breaks up with her. Devastated she goes on a delivery and unable to see where she is going through grief, she is hit by a car. The driver turns out to be Tunde Kulani the famous Nollywood movie star.

She follows Tunde’s instructions as best as she can but has a lot to learn. He decides to change her appearance if she is going to be seen with him. Sneaking out to avoid paparazzi they tackle her clothes, her hair, etiquette and then he teaches her to dance. At the end of a long day he drops her off at home and her parents make him join them for dinner. Kemi is uncomfortable as they comment on how much better Tunde is than Bola.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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