Friday, March 15, 2013

Romantic Comedy in a 'Shooting Star'

REUNITED AIRLINES – Former lovers Elena (Liz Luizzi) and Redd (Marcus Luizzi) cross paths, and sometimes swords, at a Midwest airport in Barnstable Comedy Club’s Shooting Star.

Bumping into an old flame decades later may turn out to be, as Bette Davis would say, “a bumpy night.”

And it’s just that in Shooting Star, Steven Dietz’s bittersweet romantic comedy playing at the Barnstable Comedy Club.

Former college sweethearts Reed McAllister and Elena Carson are thrown together when they are bumped from their respective flights by a snowstorm. Their chance meeting at a Midwest airport is a funny and sad nostalgia trip that ignites romance and regret. They haven’t seen each other in 30 years and the ex-lovers carry a lot of emotional baggage. At first they engage in idle chitchat, but as the evening wears on old hurts and feelings surface.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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