Thursday, December 27, 2012

Toradora! Brings Up the High School Romance

Good high school romantic comedies can be a lot of fun to watch. The bad ones, on the other hand, have the tendency to annoy viewers with tired clichés and are often neither romantic nor funny. Without a doubt, the anime title Toradora! falls into the first category. It not only contains some touching romance and hilarious comedy, but is also beautifully animated and cleverly scripted, making it a highly energetic and entertaining series.

The show starts off only mildly interesting, with the first few episodes serving to introduce the majority of the characters, who may seem like stereotypes initially. Firstly, we have Taiga, whose nickname is 'Palm Top Tiger' because she is petite but fierce. Then there is Ryuji, a young man who looks tough with a pair of "killer's eyes" but is actually an expert in doing domestic chores and a "genius in the kitchen". There are also the very weird and excitable Minorin and the "four-eyed" student council representative Kitamura.

In the early parts of the anime, there are only occasional glimpses of the show's wonderful qualities, and it is not until the gorgeous but manipulative character of Ami is introduced that things get really interesting and the anime starts to reveal its full glory. As viewers learn more about the personalities and backgrounds of each of the five characters in the love pentagon, the story becomes more and more engaging. In no time, the show turns into a completely joyous ride filled with fun, laughs and bittersweet teenage love. 

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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