Thursday, December 20, 2012

Parlez-moi de Vous: Awkwardly Charming

Review: Parlez-moi de vous doesn’t quite live up to potential

Parlez-moi de vous

** 1/2 (two and a half stars)
Starring: Karine Viard, Nicolas Duvauchelle, Nadia Barentin, Catherine Hosmalin
Directed by: Pierre Pinaud
Duration: 89 min.
Parental guidance: for all
Playing at: Beaubien cinema

Talk about all talk no action. Pierre Pinaud’s dramatic comedy Parlez-moi de vous is the sort-of charming tale of a popular radio host who can’t function in the real world.

Slip in a half-baked plot line about recovering the past, and a romance that never quite takes off and you’ve got a cute film that could have been.

On air, Mélina (Karine Viard) is cool, calm and collected, offering a sympathetic ear and reassuring words of wisdom to nightly callers who share their troubles about life and relationships. When the red studio light goes off, however, it’s a different story.

Mélina is not her real name; Claire Martin guards her anonymity carefully, allowing no publicity photos for the show and carrying her mail home from the station herself each week, instead of having it sent.

She lives alone with her dog, and doesn’t get out much. When even her apartment is too big for her, she seeks refuge in her closet. She’s also a neat freak and germophobe. Getting the picture?

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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