Friday, August 15, 2014

'Jake Squared' Presents RomCom in Mid-life Crisis

The title “Jake Squared” is exponentially insufficient, as Jake himself (Elias Koteas) eventually acknowledges. Jake is a filmmaker frustrated with parenthood and lonely after a divorce. What better way to solve this existential crisis than to make a movie about his life?

The setting will be a house party, with a significantly better-looking actor (Mike Vogel) playing Jake. Yet somehow the attendees also include Jake’s 17-year-old self (Kevin Railsback) and the 30- and 40-year-old incarnations (both played by Mr. Koteas).

“Jake Squared” aspires to the tradition of “8 ½” and “Synecdoche, New York,” phantasmagorical portraits of artists seeking perspective on their lives. Unlike in those films, though, the conceit makes little sense. Actors, ghosts and past selves intermingle. Jake watches impossible footage on his iPhone.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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