Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Perception and Connection on Romantic Comedies


Given that Valentine’s Day has come and gone, it seems only fair to bash on love (in the movies of course). The romantic comedy is the genre most pointed to when people need an example of a movie that’s universally awful. Not the fun kind of awful where the acting is bad or the action is particularly schlocky, but the boring kind where the characters are boring and no one could give a crap if you are going to end the movie with your one true love or not. Actually, in most cases they would give a crap because if you’re stuck watching it you’d want to see the main character fail, just because that would make the movie entirely unpredictable.

This leads me to problem #1 – The Formula. Any self-proclaimed movie aficionado (myself included), would be able to regurgitate this at a moment’s whim. There tend to be some variations to the punch, but they’re all thrown pretty much the same way: guy meets girl, there’s mutual affection, things get more serious on one end while the other panics and aborts, and the one who got too serious has to run out into the rain or stop a wedding or get to the airport before the woman or man they now know they love is lost to them forever. It’s not even that hard to figure out as they generally divulge the entire plot in the trailer because there isn’t any greater substance to try to hint at besides, “This is what happens.”

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do? 


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