Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Genuine Romance on Internet Age

Real life honesty pushes into romantic comedy 
 Lunchbox Theatre playwriting duo explore love in the Internet age
Playwrights Neil Fleming and Glenda Stirling may have had their differences co-writing the new Lunchbox relationship comedy He Said, She Said, but they agree on this much: there’s still no software for love.

“Everybody I know who’s gotten married in the last five to 10 years have met online,” Stirling says. “And their marriages are great and successful. I’ve tried (online dating) — and hate it.
“But,” she adds, “if somebody who knows me goes, ‘I know this great guy, wanna go out with him?’ I go ‘Sure! (The) worst thing that can happen is we have nice coffee, and that’s that.’ ”

Fleming got married before online dating came along, but from what he has learned, both in researching the play and mining his own romantic past, is that love isn’t something you find with a Google search.

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?

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