Friday, June 27, 2014

RomComs in Unconventional Yet Innovative Ways

"They Came Together" (out this Friday in select theaters), starring Paul Rudd and Amy Poehler, is a parody of the romantic comedy genre. Rudd stars as Joel, a corporate businessman whose company is threatening to close the small store run by Poehler's Molly (remind you of the premise of a certain rom-com by the name of "You've Got Mail?). The film mocks and twists conventional romantic comedies, turning the tired tropes of films like "Sleepless in Seattle" on its head. But while the mockery of the overused rom-com themes are appreciated, "They Came Together" is not the first of its kind. Check out our list of romantic comedies that have an unconventional or innovative twist. Then let us know what your favorites are in the comments.

"(500) Days of Summer" Dir. Marc Webb (2009)

The most interesting aspect of Marc Webb’s 2009 romantic comedy—and what makes it unconventional— is that (spoiler alert!) the lead couple doesn’t end up together in the end. Summer (Zooey Deschanel) and Tom’s (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) relationship is presented non-linearly, with jumps back and forth in time. As viewers, we really like Summer and Tom together, and want them to end up happy in the end. But what the story tries to convey, however, is that while one person in a duo may be convinced they have met “the one,” that may not be the case for the other. Don’t worry, things turn out all right in the end, just not in the way that you’d expect. (Casey Cipriani)

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For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do?


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