Monday, September 30, 2013

RomCom that Make You Fall for the Characters

When I hear of an actor or a disgraced politician checking himself into rehab because he’s a “sex addict,” I’ll admit my first thought is the guy’s a serial cheater who got caught and this is the best way to rehabilitate his image.

Is sexual addiction a real thing, or a convenient excuse for the wealthy and the famous? “Thanks for Sharing” makes a convincing case that some people can be as addicted to sex as others are consumed by drugs and alcohol.

Take Mark Ruffalo’s Adam, who upon first blush seems almost too good to be true. He’s a handsome, down-to-earth, successful environmental consultant with an amazing home and a bounty of friends. But every walk down the street, every billboard for lingerie, even a passing flirtatious glance from a stranger, is fraught with peril, and soon Adam is clenching his fists, calling his sponsor or racing to the nearest meeting so he can keep from falling into an abyss of nonstop, self-destructive sexual encounters.

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