Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Silver Linings Playbook: A Crazy Romantic Comedy Film

 Silver Linings Playbook poster
Deep down I know that "Silver Linings Playbook" isn't going to work for a lot of people because it follows people who have more screws missing than they have in place.

I'm not particularly sane myself, so I found these characters lovable and relatable. But these characters have serious, serious mental issues and display aggressive antisocial behavior that will turn off some viewers.

Screenwriter/director David O. Russell successfully employs the same strategy that worked so well in his 1999 masterpiece "Three Kings:" start fast, stay funny and suck the viewer so far in they won't know what’s about to hit them. "Playbook" is much simpler than "Kings," but is just as effective -- 20 minutes into both movies I was laughing too hard to notice the heartbreaking moments that loomed around the corner.

"Playbook" follows Pat (Bradley Cooper) as he is discharged from a court-mandated eight-month stay at a mental hospital. His mother (Jacki Weaver), a sweet woman who's obviously nervous about his return to society, picks him up from the hospital. And his father (Robert DeNiro) is generally more concerned about the fate of the Philadelphia Eagles than his son’s plight.
For more information about a wonderful romantic comedy please visit What Would Meg Do? 

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