Monday, May 28, 2012

New York Times: At Sundance, Kickstarter Resembled a Movie Studio, but Without the Egos


The documentary "Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry" was among 17 Kickstarter-sponsored films that played at Sundance.
Chris Pizzello/Associated PressA poster for the documentary “Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry,” which was among 17 Kickstarter-sponsored films that played at Sundance.

Chris Pizzello/Associated PressA poster for the documentary “Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry,” which was among 17 Kickstarter-sponsored films that played at Sundance.

One night last week there was a late-night party at Sundance — one of many — this one hosted by an outfit that had helped finance 10 percent of the festival’s slate, 17 movies in all, including four that were in competition.
Yancey Strickler, one of the founders of Kickstarter, made the rounds at the party, slapping filmmakers on the back and entertaining questions from journalists about some of the company’s films.
Funny thing about that. Kickstarter didn’t greenlight the movies; the people did.
Kickstarter, a three-year-old Web site that hosts crowd-sourced fund-raising for creative projects, has become a significant and now very visible player in independent film, in part because cinematic hopefuls are able to take their case right to the people.
Those who want to make a film can mount a campaign and appeal for donations to reach a stated goal. Visitors to the site can watch a video pitch, and if they like the idea and the people behind it, can make a pledge. If the project reaches the goal, the donations are collected and the money is used to render a dream into a film. If they fall short, no money is forthcoming.
Aurora Guerrero, the writer and director of "Mosquita y Mari," is flanked by the film's stars, Fenessa Pineda, left, and Venecia Troncoso, right. The film, which played Sundance, was also financed with Kickstarter funds.
Victoria Will/Associated PressAurora Guerrero, the writer and director of ”Mosquita y Mari” — another Kickstarter-Sundance film — is flanked by Fenessa Pineda, left, and Venecia Troncoso, right, from the film.

“I think the all-or-nothing formula is part of what makes it work,” Mr. Strickler said, speaking one day in the Filmmakers Lounge off Main Street in Park City. “It’s part of the game-ification of life. If something is getting close, the Internet comes alive and makes it happen.”

Even though Kickstarter received a great deal of attention at this year’s festival, which ended on Sunday, Mr. Strickler made it clear that he is not a studio executive on the rise.
“We are as agnostic as you can get,” he said. “The people are the curators — they decide what is going to get made.”

That may sound quaint, but Kickstarter represents a kind of triumph of small numbers. The site and its community have financed almost $50 million in films in the last three years, equally divided between features and documentaries, with a surprising amount of so-called shorts also in the mix. (Disclosure moment: My daughter is part of a group that raised money for a short film on Kickstarter, and yes, I threw her a bone. The film reached its goal of $6,000.)

A total of $130 million has been raised by the site, with film being the largest category, followed by music. Over 450,000 people have contributed to about 4,500 films on Kickstarter. Some people give so that they can see their name in the credits, or go to a premier or get a T-shirt. And some give just because they’d like to see the movie that is being pitched on a screen someday.

One morning last week, Christopher J. Dodd, the former senator from Connecticut who is now the head of the Motion Picture Association of America, and John Fithian, the head of the National Association of Theater Owners, both spent time on a panel bemoaning the fact that the Web had enabled piracy of filmed content. But elsewhere in Sundance, it was obvious that Web-enabled fund-raising was helping to produce a fair amount of original films. (I served as a moderator on the panel.)

Kickstarter-funded Sundance movies included the well-received documentaries “Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry” and “Me @ the Zoo.” Dramatic films included “Black Rock” as well as “My Best Day,” and “Mosquita y Mari.” More experimental efforts like “Abacus” and “Room 237″ (profiled here) were also Kickstarter projects.

Many of the so-called Kickstarter films were pretty far out there and were no threat for a theatrical release, but “Indie Game: The Movie,” a film about game developers, was optioned by producer Scott Rudin and HBO for development as a series.

Mr. Strickler’s second year at Sundance was a bit different from his first. “When we were first here, we were just trying to explain who we were and get someone to pay attention,” he said. “Now people are coming up to us.” He added: “I think that people like to give in part because everyone wants to be part of the movies and we all like to feel magnanimous, to help something creative get made. It’s sort of the triumph of the normal person.”

Film is a big aspect of Kickstarter in part because filmmakers are, by nature, good at raising money.
“They are permanent fund-raisers,” Mr. Strickler said. “It is a muscle they develop and instead of going out to dinner with rich guys who make a lot of money elsewhere and don’t care — let’s face it, most films are a rotten investment — they can put time and effort into a Kickstarter campaign.”
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